Brazil Yellow Bourbon

We are always keeping an eye on market and customer demand at any time and changing our strategy according to it. We manufacturer, supplier and exporter the best quality Brazil Yellow Bourbon as well as prompt and satisfactory service according to the environment of the market and customer in Taiwan, which embodies our core value of customer centered and market-oriented on product quality.
  • Brazil Yellow Bourbon - FSC012
Brazil Yellow Bourbon
Model - FSC012
Brazil bourbon (natural/washed) / medium dark roast
Roast degree: medium dark roast
Acidity: not sour
Flavors: Nuts, Cocoa, Caramel

Flavor/Product Description:
Bourbon species is native to Bourbon Island (Reunion Island) in the Indian Ocean and is a secondary species produced by the mutation of Tiberias.
It is one of the oldest extant species along with the Tibica.
The same is the old variety of coffee beans, and the difference from the Typica coffee is that,
The leaves of the bourbon species are wider and denser than those of the tinpica species.
At the same time, the output is 30% higher than that of Typica coffee.
The beans are round and short, the berries are sour and thick, the cream and aroma are obvious, the sour aroma is strong, and the fruit acid taste is obvious.
But the same problem is poor disease resistance.
A Brazilian bourbon variety that turns into a great adjustability of sweetness in a medium-dark roast,
The body is richer and the sweetness is relatively significant.
This characteristic makes Brazilian coffee beans widely used in various espresso combinations.
It is also used to make latte coffee.

Product Specifications:
Small package/100g
half a pound / 227 grams
1 pound / 454 grams
10 packs of drip coffee (1 pack/12g)
10 packs of steeped coffee (1 pack/12g)

Application range:
pour over coffee, espresso machine, aeropress, french press, cold brew, cold brew
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Brazil Yellow Bourbon

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Rising Yen Corp.
To find and shop the Brazil Yellow Bourbon, you need to know about the highest quality of Brazil Yellow Bourbon manufacturer, supplier, wholesaler, distributor from a factory in Taiwan
999999999 USD 2020-12-31
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Ethiopia Sidamo (natural/washed) / light medium bake FSC001 Roast degree: medium light roast Acidity: Fruity, bright and sour Flavor notes: floral, fruity, honey Flavor/Product Description: Sidamo is a large tract of land on a fertile plateau in the Rift Valley. It is one of three trademark coffee producing regions in Ethiopia. Sidamo is one of the well-known specialty coffees in Ethiopia. Loved by Taiwanese not to lose to Yirgacheffe, The taste is clear, sweet and sour with lime aroma, very balanced. The coffee flavors in the Sidamo region are very diverse. Thanks to abundant rainfall, fertile soil and ideal climatic conditions, The coffee beans that have been washed with water are clean, mature, sweet and fresh, with unique characteristics. The lightly baked Sidamo is full of sweet lemons, berries, wild ginger, fresh and light syrup, The palate slowly rises to the finish with a unique sweetness. Product Specifications: Small package/100g half a pound / 227 grams 1 pound / 454 grams 1kg/1000g 10 packs of drip coffee (1 pack/12g) 10 packs of steeped coffee (1 pack/12g) Application range: pour over coffee, aeropress, french press, cold brew, cold brew
Rising Yen Corp.
To find and shop the Brazil Yellow Bourbon, you need to know about the highest quality of Brazil Yellow Bourbon manufacturer, supplier, wholesaler, distributor from a factory in Taiwan
999999999 USD 2020-12-31
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Ethiopia Sidamo (natural/washed) / medium dark roast FSC002 Roast degree: medium dark roast Acidity: mild acid Flavor Notes: Fruity, Honey, Bittersweet Chocolate, Fruit Wine Flavor/Product Description: Sidamo is a large tract of land on a fertile plateau in the Rift Valley. It is one of three trademark coffee producing regions in Ethiopia. Sidamo is one of the well-known specialty coffees in Ethiopia. Loved by Taiwanese not to lose to Yirgacheffe, The taste is clear, sweet and sour with lime aroma, very balanced. The coffee flavors in the Sidamo region are very diverse. Thanks to abundant rainfall, fertile soil and ideal climatic conditions, The washed coffee beans are clean, mature, sweet and fresh, with unique characteristics. The flavor is dominated by ripe fruit, honey, 75% chocolate and fruit wine. Product Specifications: Small package/100g half a pound / 227 grams 1 pound / 454 grams 1kg/1000g 10 packs of drip coffee (1 pack/12g) 10 packs of steeped coffee (1 pack/12g) Application range: pour over coffee, espresso machine, aeropress, french press, cold brew, cold brew
Rising Yen Corp.
To find and shop the Brazil Yellow Bourbon, you need to know about the highest quality of Brazil Yellow Bourbon manufacturer, supplier, wholesaler, distributor from a factory in Taiwan
999999999 USD 2020-12-31
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Ethiopian Yirgacheffe (natural/washed) / light medium bake FSC003 Roast degree: medium light roast Acidity: fruity acid Flavor Notes: Lemon, Citrus, Orange Peel, Bergamot Flavor/Product Description: In Ethiopia, which has many native coffee species, The Yirgacheffe region stands out for its unique flavors, Be the representative of Ethiopian coffee. The most representative flavor of Yirgacheffe is its delicate aroma of citrus blossom, lemon and jasmine. Similar to lemon berries and citrus fruits...etc. Arrangement and combination of natural fragrance. At the same time, it has the sweet and sour melon and fruit, the fruity aroma of fruit tea and the aroma of alpine tea soup, and the taste is fresh and bright. The light roasted Yirgacheffe's main note is citrus fragrance, With honey, orange peel and bergamot, the palate is pure and bright. Product Specifications: Small package/100g half a pound / 227 grams 1 pound / 454 grams 1kg/1000g 10 packs of drip coffee (1 pack/12g) 10 packs of steeped coffee (1 pack/12g) Application range: pour over coffee, aeropress, french press, cold brew, cold brew
Rising Yen Corp.
To find and shop the Brazil Yellow Bourbon, you need to know about the highest quality of Brazil Yellow Bourbon manufacturer, supplier, wholesaler, distributor from a factory in Taiwan
999999999 USD 2020-12-31
90out of 100based on 100user ratings
Ethiopian Yirgacheffe (natural/washed) / medium dark roast FSC004 Roast degree: medium dark roast Acidity: mild acid Flavor Notes: Citrus, Stone Fruit, Brown Sugar, Darjeeling Black Tea Flavor/Product Description: In Ethiopia, which has many native coffee species, The Yirgacheffe region stands out for its unique flavors, Be the representative of Ethiopian coffee. The most representative flavor of Yirgacheffe is its delicate aroma of citrus blossom, lemon and jasmine. Similar to lemon berries and citrus fruits...etc. Arrangement and combination of natural fragrance. At the same time, it has the sweet and sour melon and fruit, the fruity aroma of fruit tea and the aroma of alpine tea soup, and the taste is fresh and bright. The medium-dark roasted Yirgacheffe also retains a little fruity sweetness. But the main note turns to stone fruit, nuts, brown sugar aroma, The fragrance is mellow but not bitter, and the finish is similar to Darjeeling black tea, which is balanced and sweet. Product Specifications: Small package/100g half a pound / 227 grams 1 pound / 454 grams 1kg/1000g 10 packs of drip coffee (1 pack/12g) 10 packs of steeped coffee (1 pack/12g) Application range: pour over coffee, aeropress, french press, cold brew, cold brew
Rising Yen Corp.
To find and shop the Brazil Yellow Bourbon, you need to know about the highest quality of Brazil Yellow Bourbon manufacturer, supplier, wholesaler, distributor from a factory in Taiwan
999999999 USD 2020-12-31
90out of 100based on 100user ratings
Kenya AA (natural/washed) / light medium bake FSC005 Roast degree: medium light roast Acidity: fruity acid Flavor Notes: Berry, Honey, Honey Flavor/Product Description: Kenya, which is located below the equator in East Africa, grows high-quality Arabica coffee beans. Thick, round coffee beans are classified into seven grades according to the size of the coffee beans. The taste is divided into six grades from top to bottom. In the tasting, "Kenya AA" is well received and respected. It has a slightly sour and thick fragrance and is very popular among Europeans, especially in the UK. Kenyan coffee has surpassed Costa Rican coffee to become one of the most popular coffees. The medium-light roasted Kenyan AA is dominated by fresh berries, accompanied by the aroma of honey and grapefruit. Bright and juicy, with a bold aroma. The unique aroma of slightly fermented pulp is unique in many African series of coffee beans. Product Specifications: Small package/100g half a pound / 227 grams 1 pound / 454 grams 1kg/1000g 10 packs of drip coffee (1 pack/12g) 10 packs of steeped coffee (1 pack/12g) Application range: pour over coffee, aeropress, french press, cold brew, cold brew
Rising Yen Corp.
To find and shop the Brazil Yellow Bourbon, you need to know about the highest quality of Brazil Yellow Bourbon manufacturer, supplier, wholesaler, distributor from a factory in Taiwan
999999999 USD 2020-12-31
90out of 100based on 100user ratings
Kenyan AA (natural/washed) / medium dark roast FSC006 Roast degree: medium dark roast Acidity: mild acid Flavor notes: dark fruit, stone fruit, fruit wine Flavor/Product Description: Kenya, which is located below the equator in East Africa, grows high-quality Arabica coffee beans. Thick, round coffee beans are classified into seven grades according to the size of the coffee beans. The taste is divided into six grades from top to bottom. In the tasting, "Kenya AA" is well received and respected. It has a slightly sour and thick fragrance and is very popular among Europeans, especially in the UK. Kenyan coffee has surpassed Costa Rican coffee to become one of the most popular coffees. Kenyan AA after medium-dark roasting, the main notes are walnuts, grapes, blackberries, The special berry aroma is similar to a fruit wine-like texture, with a slightly bitter-sweet finish. In addition to making general pour-over coffee, It is also suitable for espresso machine to make S.O.E. latte with fruity fermented flavor. Product Specifications: Small package/100g half a pound / 227 grams 1 pound / 454 grams 1kg/1000g 10 packs of drip coffee (1 pack/12g) 10 packs of steeped coffee (1 pack/12g) Application range: pour over coffee, espresso machine, aeropress, french press, cold brew, cold brew
Rising Yen Corp.
To find and shop the Brazil Yellow Bourbon, you need to know about the highest quality of Brazil Yellow Bourbon manufacturer, supplier, wholesaler, distributor from a factory in Taiwan
999999999 USD 2020-12-31
90out of 100based on 100user ratings
Guatemala Antigua (natural/washed) / medium light bake FSC007 Roast degree: medium light roast Acidity: fruity acid Flavor Notes: Floral, Lemony, Almond, Nutty Flavor/Product Description: Antigua is one of the most famous producing areas in Guatemala. Located in a valley surrounded by three volcanoes (Agua, Fuego, Acatenango), Among them, Volcan Fuego is an active volcano! Occasional outbreaks have caused the soil in this producing area to be rich in minerals; There are also a large number of virgin forests in the production area, so that the soil is full of rich potassium ions. The combination of the two allows the coffee plants in the Antigua producing area to have an endless supply of nutrients and healthy growth. Under the method of medium-light roasting, the dry aroma of Antigua coffee beans is almond aroma and elegant floral aroma. After the entrance, it has a slightly sweet and sour taste of lemon citrus, The latter part turns into a tea-like, nutty tone, with a delicate taste and rich layers. Product Specifications: Small package/100g half a pound / 227 grams 1 pound / 454 grams 1kg/1000g 10 packs of drip coffee (1 pack/12g) 10 packs of steeped coffee (1 pack/12g) Application range: pour over coffee, aeropress, french press, cold brew, cold brew
Rising Yen Corp.
To find and shop the Brazil Yellow Bourbon, you need to know about the highest quality of Brazil Yellow Bourbon manufacturer, supplier, wholesaler, distributor from a factory in Taiwan
999999999 USD 2020-12-31
90out of 100based on 100user ratings
Guatemala Antigua (natural/washed) / medium dark roast FSC008 Roast degree: medium dark roast Acidity: not sour Flavor Notes: Toasted Almonds, Toasted Hazelnuts, Black Tea, Toffee, Chocolate Flavor/Product Description: Antigua is one of the most famous producing areas in Guatemala. Located in a valley surrounded by three volcanoes (Agua, Fuego, Acatenango), Among them, Volcan Fuego is an active volcano! Occasional outbreaks have caused the soil in this producing area to be rich in minerals; There are also a large number of virgin forests in the production area, so that the soil is full of rich potassium ions. The combination of the two allows the coffee plants in the Antigua producing area to have an endless supply of nutrients and healthy growth. Under the medium-dark roasting method, the medium aroma of Antigua coffee beans is more pronounced. Showing aromas of roasted almonds, nuts, hazelnut jam, with toffee, caramel sweetness on the finish, It has a slight black tea aroma after cooling down. Its flavor is unique and well-loved. Product Specifications: Small package/100g half a pound / 227 grams 1 pound / 454 grams 1kg/1000g 10 packs of drip coffee (1 pack/12g) 10 packs of steeped coffee (1 pack/12g) Application range: pour over coffee, aeropress, french press, cold brew, cold brew
Rising Yen Corp.
To find and shop the Brazil Yellow Bourbon, you need to know about the highest quality of Brazil Yellow Bourbon manufacturer, supplier, wholesaler, distributor from a factory in Taiwan
999999999 USD 2020-12-31
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Guatemalan Huehuetenango (natural/washed) / medium light roasted FSC009 Roast degree: medium light roast Acidity: mild acid Flavor notes: floral, fruity, scented tea, nuts Flavor/Product Description: Huehuetenango is located on the border between Guatemala and Mexico. The towering mountains and pristine rainforest environment are ideal for growing coffee. Among the eight major coffee-producing regions in Guatemala, the most special one is the Vivitte nan fruit. Different from Antigua, Attilan, San Marcos, etc., which are all volcanic soils formed by volcanic ash, Huehuetenango is dominated by calcareous soils. Huehuetenango coffee generally has obvious body and rich fruit acid performance. In addition to the well-known independent estates in this production area, Most of the remote mountainous areas at higher altitudes are planted and harvested by small farmers. It is handed over to a regional processing plant for centralized processing. The structure of Huehuetenango beans is more solid than that of ordinary Central American coffees. The acidity is more delicate and changeable during medium-light roasting, and the fresh and conspicuous tropical fruit flower tea aroma, Delicate and layered citric acid, the aroma of jasmine tea revolves on the palate, as charming as fruit tea. Product Specifications: Small package/100g half a pound / 227 grams 1 pound / 454 grams 1kg/1000g 10 packs of drip coffee (1 pack/12g) 10 packs of steeped coffee (1 pack/12g) Application range: pour over coffee, aeropress, french press, cold brew, cold brew
Rising Yen Corp.
To find and shop the Brazil Yellow Bourbon, you need to know about the highest quality of Brazil Yellow Bourbon manufacturer, supplier, wholesaler, distributor from a factory in Taiwan
999999999 USD 2020-12-31
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Guatemalan Huehuetenango (natural/washed) / medium dark roasted FSC010 Roast degree: medium dark roast Acidity: not sour Flavor Notes: Nuts, Cocoa, Peanut Butter, Oolong Milk Flavor/Product Description: Vivitnam fruit is the highest and driest coffee growing area in non-volcanic producing areas. With steep-toothed peaks and narrow valleys, With hot and dry winds from the neighboring Tehuantepec plains in Mexico blowing into the mountains, This allows coffee in this area to be at high altitudes without being devastated by frost. Vivitnam fruit is mainly in calcareous soil, The coffee in the producing area generally has obvious body and rich fruit acid performance. In addition to the well-known independent estates in this production area, Most of the remote mountainous areas at higher altitudes are planted and harvested by small farmers. It is handed over to a regional processing plant for centralized processing. The structure of Vivit Nanguo alpine beans is more solid than that of ordinary Central American coffees. The taste is more mellow when roasted in medium and dark, and the tone is changed to stone fruit, which can be adjusted. The finish is very sweet, accompanied by a touch of peanut butter and oolong milk. Not only suitable for black coffee, it is still sweet and delicious with milk! Product Specifications: Small package/100g half a pound / 227 grams 1 pound / 454 grams 1kg/1000g 10 packs of drip coffee (1 pack/12g) 10 packs of steeped coffee (1 pack/12g) Application range: pour over coffee, espresso machine, aeropress, french press, cold brew, cold brew
Rising Yen Corp.
To find and shop the Brazil Yellow Bourbon, you need to know about the highest quality of Brazil Yellow Bourbon manufacturer, supplier, wholesaler, distributor from a factory in Taiwan
999999999 USD 2020-12-31
90out of 100based on 100user ratings
Brazil bourbon (natural/washed) / medium light roast FSC011 Roast degree: medium light roast Acidity: mild acid Flavor Notes: Citrus, Soft Fruity, Sweet, Cane Sugar Flavor/Product Description: Bourbon species is native to Bourbon Island (Reunion Island) in the Indian Ocean and is a secondary species produced by the mutation of Tiberias. It is one of the oldest extant species along with the Tibica. The same is the old variety of coffee beans, and the difference from the Typica coffee is that, The leaves of the bourbon species are wider and denser than those of the tinpica species. At the same time, the output is 30% higher than that of Typica coffee. The beans are round and short, the berries are sour and thick, the cream and aroma are obvious, the sour aroma is strong, and the fruit acid taste is obvious. But the same problem is poor disease resistance. Bourbon from Brazil, showing light citrus and tart aromas when roasted in medium light. Well-balanced acidity and smooth sweetness are popular among the public. Product Specifications: Small package/100g half a pound / 227 grams 1 pound / 454 grams 1kg/1000g 10 packs of drip coffee (1 pack/12g) 10 packs of steeped coffee (1 pack/12g) Application range: pour over coffee, espresso machine, aeropress, french press, cold brew, cold brew